共享健身房上线 中国共享经济市场再现新颜

Xiao Su, a workout fanatic, was surprised to find out that the nondescript booth he spotted on his way to the gym was also a gym.


"I downloaded the app for it out of curiosity. I have to pay 99 yuan ($14.86) deposit for registration with my ID number and phone number, and it charges me one yuan per five minutes," Su told the Global Times Friday.


The booths only have enough space to hold two people at once - but only one of them can exercise as the gym’s sole piece of equipment is a treadmill.


The gym booth is also equipped with an air conditioner, a mini-television and fan.

这个健身亭还装有空调共享经济 健身房,一个小型电视和风扇。

"I prefer traditional gyms over this shared gym because they have more options for exercising and are much more spacious," said Su.

小苏说:“比起共享健身房,我更喜欢传统健身房,它们锻炼的选择更多共享经济 健身房,空间更大。”

"Moreover, you can wash after working out in traditional gym. Who’s willing to walk out all sweaty and smelly?" he added.


The gym booth app, "Mipao," only showed five booths available for users’ to make appointment in Beijing on Thursday. After users make an appointment, they can access the booth by scanning a code on its exterior, according to the description on the app’s iTunes download page.

周四,健身亭app“米跑”显示北京只有五个亭子可供使用者预约。据app iTunes下载页上的描述,使用者预约后,他们可以通过扫描外部条码进入健身亭。

The description explains that the application can record a user’s movement and offer workout guidance afterward to "create a brand new, healthy and smart way of exercise."
